Emma Lamberg profile picture
Social Policy
Tutkijatohtori / Postdoctoral researcher

Areas of expertise

Sociology of work
political sociology
feminist political economy
gender studies
qualitative research methods


I am an interdisciplinary scholar whose interests lie in the fields of political sociology, sociology of work, feminist political economy and gender studies.

My current research comprises two strands. First, I use a social reproduction lens to study ethnographically the interconnections between the state, market and household sectors of the economy. In particular, I focus on the strains of social reproductive work, studying how these strains are lived and felt by different households and their members in Finland in the context of austerity. Second, I apply debates on feminist politics, knowledge production and gendered institutions to study feminist networks and initiatives that seek to advance transformative economic thinking and policies.

My research has been published in journals such as Gender, Work and Organization, International Political Sociology and The Sociological Review.

I am one of the four writers of the monograph Feminismiä talouteen: Opas kriittiseen talouslukutaitoon [Feminism and the economy: a guide to critical economic literacy], written by Hanna Ylöstalo, Heini Kinnunen, Emma Lamberg and Inna Perheentupa (Gaudeamus, 2024). Peer-reviewed yet also intended for a broader audience, the book engages with and develops further feminist, intersectional theorising on the economy, economic thinking and economic policy. We have also created a five-episode podcast Feminismiä talouteen!, which discusses the themes of the book in an accessible manner.

As a researcher, I enjoy collaborating with the academic community, policy makers, non-governmental organisations and grassroots groups. I also combine research and activism to imagine and enact alternative, socially just and ecologically sustainable futures.

For more information about my work, please visit my home page.


I have taught several university courses on qualitative research methodologies and held lectures on a variety of themes, including sociology of work and feminist political economy.


Ongoing projects

Hoivavaje: Sosiaalinen uusintaminen ja kotitalouksien arki vetäytyvässä hyvinvointivaltiossa. [Care deficits: Social reproduction, households and everyday in a withdrawing welfare state.] Personal postdoctoral research project, 1.7.202430.6.2028. Funding: Kone foundation.

Previous projects

Tasa-arvoa taloustietoon, feminismiä finanssipolitiikkaan. Feministisen tiedon ja politiikan jännitteet strategisessa valtiossa. [Equality to economics, feminism to fiscal policy: Tensions of feminist knowledge and politics in the strategic state.] PI: Hanna Ylöstalo. Funding: Kone foundation. Own role in the project: Postdoctoral researcher, project researcher

Tasa-arvo-ohjelmien vaikuttavuus ja toimivuus (TAOVA) [Effectiveness and functioning of Government Action Plans for Gender Equality]. Funding: Finnish Government, Government’s Analysis, Assessment and Research Activities. PIs: Anna Elomäki & Hanna Ylöstalo. Own role in the project: Project researcher


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