Areas of expertise
Eriikka defended her doctoral thesis titled "Unique paths. The international growth process of selected Finnish SMEs" in 2009 at Turku School of Economics. Additionally, she operates as an Adjuct Professor in the Faculty of Business Studies at the University of Vaasa, Finland. After defending her thesis she has worked as a Visiting Fellow at the University of Sydney, Australia and as a visiting lecturer at the University of Umeå, Sweden.
Eriikka's teaching revolves around qualitative research methods and philosophy of
science in the business research context. She also supervises Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral Theses and has developed several courses and course teaching materials in international business and research methods.
Eriikka has published in Organizational Research Methods, Journal of International Business Studies, International Journal of Management Reviews, Management International Review and International Business Review on topics related to research methodology and the internationalization and international growth processes as well as failures of entrepreneurial SMEs and family firms. Her particular interests in research methods include qualitative methods, case studies, narrative and diary research, longitudinal and process studies, the role of time in research, philosophy of time and visual research methods. She has also studied the teaching and learning of research methods.
Eriikka is a member of the Editorial Review Board of Journal of International Business Studies and she operates as a review in e.g. International Marketing Review, Industrial Marketing Management, Organizational Research Methods, Australian Journal of Management and Management and Organization Review.