Hanna Tuomisto profile picture
Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology


Vesilinnantie 5

Areas of expertise

community ecology
vegetation ecology
tropical rain forests
remote sensing
beta diversity


I teach a variety of courses from the BSc to postgraduate level. Topics range from multivariate statistics and use of GIS and remote sensing to basic ecology, biogeography, tropical ecology and human evolution.


I am broadly interested in ecology, evolution and biogeography, especially in and around the rain forests of Amazonia. I am currently leading the Amazon Research Team​, which is a group of researchers with a wide variety of interests. Our aims include (but are not limited to) clarifying species-environment relationships, drivers of variation in species composition, broad-scale compositional patterns and the evolutionary origin of Amazonian biodiversity. We are using indicator plant groups and remotely sensed data (satellite and radar images) as indicators of general floristic and edaphic patterns, and also work on taxonomy, evolutionary history and biogeography. My pet group is ferns, but we also work on Melastomataceae plants and Ichneumonidae wasps. My theoretical interests relate to diversity (especially beta diversity and the numerous concepts associated with it) and the analytical methods available to address questions related to species diversity and turnover.


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Global fern and lycophyte richness explained: How regional and local factors shape plot richness (2019)

Journal of Biogeography
Anna Weigand, Stefan Abrahamczyk, Isabelle Aubin, Claudia Bita‐Nicolae, Helge Bruelheide, Cesar I. Carvajal‐Hernández, Daniele Cicuzza, Lucas Erickson, Nascimento da Costa, János Csiky, Jürgen Dengler, André Luís de Gasper, Greg R. Guerin, Sylvia Haider, Adriana Hernández‐Rojas, Ute Jandt, Johan Reyes‐Chávez, Dirk N. Karger, Phyo Kay Khine, Jürgen Kluge, Thorsten Krömer, Marcus Lehnert, Jonathan Lenoir, Gabriel M. Moulatlet, Daniela Aros-Mualin, Sarah Noben, Ingrid Olivares, Luis G. Quintanilla, Peter B. Reich, Laura Salazar, Libertad Silva‐Mijangos, Hanna Tuomisto, Patrick Weigelt, Gabriela Zuquim, Holger Kreft, Michael Kessler
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