Areas of expertise
Degrees: D.Sc.(Tech.) - Laser Materials Processing; Adjunct Professor
Heidi Piili is working as adjunct professort in Additive Manufacturing and Laser Materials Processing in Research group of Digital Manufacturing and Surface Engineering (DMS) of Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering of Faculty of Technology at University of Turku, Finland.
She started in this position 8/2021. She is doing academic and industrial R&D (national and international) in field of additive manufacturing (i.e. 3D printing) of metals, biobased materials and polymers, laser materials processing, camera and sensor based quality assurance and process control and novel industrial applications of additive manufacturing. She has also recently started R&D in combination of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) and simulation in additive manufacturing. She also educates B.Sc., M.Sc. and D.Sc students and trains industrial partners in same field of science. Piili is also doing supervising of B.Sc., M.Sc. and D.Sc. theses.
Piili is docent in UTU in field of ”Laser beam and material interaction in laser based additive manufacturing” and docent in Oulu University in field of "Industrial Applications of Laser Materials Processing and Additive Manufacturing".
Piili is currently also doing her second doctoral thesis: ”Optimization of Electrochemical Systems Manufactured by Laser Based Powder Bed Fusion for Separation Technology” in Department of Purification and Separation Technology, LUT University, Finland (in pre-examination, dissertation 11-12/23).
Piili has more than 21 years’ experience in laser materials processing and more than 14 years’ experience in additive manufacturing (AM) and 3D printing (3DP). Piili was working with industrial additive manufacturing at EOS Finland for one year in 2017.
Piili has participated to several academic and industrial projects both national and international connections. She has as well done education and training and development of them in field of laser materials processing and AM3DP more than 21 years’.
Current activities in educaton:
Heidi Piili educates B.Sc., M.Sc. and D.Sc. students and trains industrial partners in same field of science. Piili is also doing supervising of B.Sc., M.Sc. and D.Sc. thesis. Piili also participates courses in pedagogy, for example:
- “UNIPS Lecturing and Expertise” (3 ECTS), 20.1.2022-17.3.2022, University of Turku, Turku, Finland.
- “Active methodology: flipped classroom”, 2 hours, online-course, 18.1.2022, TeacherLAB, Denmark, https://elearningindustry.com/press-releases/canopylab-launches-teacherlab-a-free-platform-for-teachers.
Education experience of Piili:
Undergraduate courses since 2002: 18 courses; post-graduate courses since 2017: 2 courses; professional teacher degree, HAMK, 2015; participation into 17 pedagogical courses; 13 pedagogical publication; 8 educational projects 2018-2023.
Interests areas of education:
Interests areas in teaching are development of pedagogy for additive manufacturing (3D printing).
Publications in education:
1. Pikkarainen, A., Piili, H., & Salminen, A. (2021). Perspectives of Mechanical Engineering Students to Learning of Additive Manufacturing -Learning through Multiple Technologies. International Journal of Innovation and Research in Educational Sciences, 8(1). https://www.ijires.org/administrator/components/com_jresearch/files/publications/IJIRES_1814_FINAL.pdf.
2. Pikkarainen, A., Piili, H., Salminen, A., Introducing Novel Learning Outcomes and Process Selection Model for Additive Manufacturing Education in Engineering. European Journal of Education Studies Volume 8, Issue 1, 2021. DOI: 10.46827/ejes.v8i1.3511.
3. Pikkarainen, A. Piili H. The design process of an occupationally safe and functional 3D printing learning environment for engineering education. European Journal of Education Studies, Vol. 7 , 2020, No. 12, pp. 80-105.
4. Editors: Piili, H., Salminen, A., Korpela, M., Kurvinen, A., Pikkarainen, A., Riikonen, N., Heiskanen, A., Westman, S. Lähtökohdat 3D-tulostuksen opetukseen ja koulutukseen, LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications, LUT University, Finland, 2019, 23 p.
5. Editors: Piili, H., Heiskanen, E., Koponen, M., Karppinen, H., Salminen, A., Digipedagogiikka: Lasten ja nuorten digitalisaatiokasvatus, LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications, LUT University, Finland, 2019, 34 p.
6. Pikkarainen, A., Piili, H., Salminen, A., Creating learning environment connecting engineering design and 3D printing. Physics Procedia 89 (2017) 122–130.
7. Editor: Piili, H., Salminen A., Näin opetan lisäävää valmistusta ja 3D-tulostusta: Pohdintoja uuden teknologian opetuksesta ja koulutuksesta, LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, 2016
8. Salminen, A. ja Piili, H., Lisäävän valmistuksen eli ns. 3D-tulostuksen opetuksesta ja koulutuksesta. Hitsaustekniikka Vol. 66. 2015, No 1., s. 21-24.
9. Piili, H., Matilainen, V., Salminen A., Lisäävän valmistuksen eli 3D-tulostuksen opetuksen ja koulutuksen haasteet ja mahdollisuudet. Ohutlevy 1/2016. pp. 43-46.
10. Editor: Piili, H., Näkökulmia 3D-tulostuksen opetukseen ja koulutukseen, LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, 2015, ISBN:978-952-265-857-9.
Adjunct Professor | Senior Research Scientist, D.Sc.(Tech.) | Additive Manufacturing and Laser Materials Processing | Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering | University of Turku, Finland. R&D: Novel, smart industrial applications of metals, biobased materials and polymers. LPBF metrology. Industrial experience: EOS Finland, 2017, 11 months. R&D activities: Academical and industrial R&D in international and national projects, education in B.Sc. level, M.Sc. level and doctoral level, societal impact.