Joao Rocha Salazar profile picture
Rocha Salazar
Doctoral Researcher, Department of Life Technologies
Photosynthetic Microbes

Areas of expertise

wastewater treatment
microalgae cultivation
biomass extraction & characterization
photobioreactor operation


I'm a Portuguese marine biologist who graduated in 2018 from a MSc in the University of Algarve, Portugal. During my entire studies, I have simultaneously worked in a microalgae production unit where I learned the craftsmanship of producing different species from small volumes to industrial photobioreactors. In this period, I have learned all steps from maintaining and scaling-up inocula up to harvesting biomass.

I'm a task oriented troubleshooter currently dedicated to my PhD research in the fields of bioremediation of effluents using microalgae.


My research is dedicated to decrease environmental pollution by cleaning wastewaters using microalgae. To achieve this task, a step-wise methodology is applied to scale-up the procedures and results from laboratory to a pilot-scale photobioreactor. In the near future, I will also explore the potential of microalgae as plant biostimulants which can potentially create an opportunity for developing sustainable methods to produce food crops.


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