Juha Isotalo profile picture
Doctoral Researcher, History and Archaelogy


Areas of expertise

Cultural History
Greek historiography
Classical Greece
Academic Administration


I'm writing a thesis called "Herodotus as a narrator and his subjects revealing their truth of the past". It combines elements of Cultural History and Classical Philology to explore the meaning of truth to Herodotus and the subjects of his Histories.

In addition to studying historiography, I've worked for several years in Academic Affairs for Student Unions of Universities.


I'm interested in the identities in the Greek polis as shaped by the shared histories and the meaning of truth for Herodotus' contemporaries in general.

I’m more interested in the social aspect of truth in communities than truth as a correspondence or truth as an epistemological concept for philosophical inquiry.

Academic Activities

Power Dynamic of the Author–Source Relationships in Herodotus’ Histories. Classical Association Conference 2023. Cambridge 22.4.2023.

Dehumanizing of Scythians in Herodotus’ Scythian logos. Workshop Markers of Northernness in Greek Ethnography and Geography. The Finnish Institute at Athens. Athens 10.12.2022.

Werewolves at the Border. Beliefs on Neighbouring Communities in Herodotus and Pomponius Mela. Cultures of Belief and Unbelief. 14th Annual Conference of the International Society for Cultural History. The International Society for Cultural History (ISCH). Verona 2.8.2022.

Herodotos. Lähteet, totuus ja identiteetti. The seminar of the Fellows of the Finnish Institute in Rome, Rome 7.12.2021.

Herodotoksen kuvauksen kohteiden jaettu identiteetti ja muisti. Paideia, Turun klassillinen yhdistys ry, Turku 20.2.2020. 

Herodotus and Hayden White: Historiographical Narrative Theory Applied to Classical History in panel: ´Practice revolt´. Towards pragmatist and pragmatical philosophy of historiography. Viidennet valtakunnalliset Historiantutkimuksen päivät, Oulu 24.-26.10.2019. 

Who hates Khufu? Herodotus as a mediator of Egyptians’ past and identity in panel: Cultural histories of memory. Global Cultural History. 12th Annual Conference of the International Society for Cultural History, Tallinn 26.-29.6.2019.


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