Juho Vaiste profile picture
Doctoral Researcher, Management and Organisation


Rehtorinpellonkatu 3

Areas of expertise

Ethics of artificial intelligence
technological responsibility
ethical agency of developers.


Since 2015, I have focused on the field of AI ethics. The core target has been to understand the complex and emerging field in-depth, including a lot of independent studies and work. I have given various talks and lectures about the topics, ranging from the more practical and business-wise perspectives to the philosophical questions of AI.

My academic research (PhD candidate) focus on the developers' perspective of AI ethics. The responsibility of the tech industry rises, and we should start to understand and value the ethical agency of the AI developers.

As part of the process, I have been:
1) Consulted various companies and given lectures on AI ethics. Visiting lecturer at Aalto University, Turku School of Economics Exe and Laurea University of Applied Sciences.
2) A co-founder Turku AI Society to connect researchers of the societal impacts of AI. Organizing various events including yearly Turku AI Week, European Robotics Week Finnish main event’s AI-track, and an academic conference “Robot and AI ethics: Dialogue between Europe and East Asia”.
3) A member of the AI ethics work group by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. Launching “Ethics Challenge” challenging organizations to engage with ethical principles of AI.
4) An active member and co-coordinator of the Millennial Board AI group (a part of the larger Millennial Board community).
5) A booklet project “Guide to AI Ethics” in collaboration with other PhD-level scholars, commenting and contributing post-doc members, and industry partners


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Methods for Plant Ethics (2024)

Aarnio, Jenna; Farzan, Mireille; Puumala, Laura; Puumala, Mikko M.; Sivula, Oskari; Topinoja, Tiia; Vaiste, Juho
(A3 Vertaisarvioitu kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa)

Methods for Plant Ethics (2024)

Aarnio, Jenna; Farzan, Mireille; Puumala, Laura; Puumala, Mikko M.; Sivula, Oskari; Topinoja, Tiia; Vaiste, Juho
(A3 Vertaisarvioitu kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa)

Finnish perspective on using synthetic health data to protect privacy: the PRIVASA project (2024)

Applied Computing and Intelligence
Pitkämäki, Tinja; Pahikkala, Tapio; Montoya Perez, Ileana; Movahedi, Parisa; Nieminen, Valtteri; Southerington, Tom; Vaiste, Juho; Jafaritadi, Mojtaba; Khan, Muhammad Irfan; Kontio, Elina; Ranttila, Pertti; Pajula, Juha; Pölönen, Harri; Degerli, Aysen; Plomp, Johan; Airola, Antti
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )