Spring 2022: JO4 Strategic management, 6 ECTS.
Spring 2022: JOS7 Contemporary Issues in Management and Organisation, Artificial Intelligence in Strategic Management, Team Leadership and Expert Work, 3 ECTS
Spring 2022: Bachelor thesis in management and organisation, 10 ECTS.
Fall 2021: Research processes and qualitative research methods, 5 ECTS.
Fall 2021: Organizational research perspectives, 2-4 ECTS.
Spring 2020: Teacher of the Management and Organisation major students' freshman course on doing a business project. The students find solutions to a real life business problem and use case for a private company. 6ECTS.
The research focus of Kaisa Kukkonen is in occupational restructuring. Special emphasis is on the collaboration and division of labor between people and artificial intelligence: how does it change the work descriptions in different industries, and how does it effect strategic management and the organisations as a whole.