Katja Anttila profile picture
Professor, Physiology and Genetics


+358 29 450 4211
+358 50 431 8246
Vesilinnantie 5

Areas of expertise

Fish physiology
cardiovascular physiology
exercise physiology


I did my PhD in University of Oulu about exercise physiology of fishes and how training could be used to improve the stocking success of salmonids in wild. After my PhD I did my post-doc period in University of British Columbia, Canada about cardiovascular physiology of fishes and how they can respond to climate change. These studies continued in University of Turku first as a post-doc and currently I am a Professor in Animal Physiology, Department of Biology.


I am teaching in Animal Physiology in courses:

FYGE2051 Ecophysiology

FYGE 2101 Basic Laboratory Technics in Animal Physiology

FYGE4051 Advanced Laboratory Course in Animal Physiology 

FYGE4510 Environmental and Evolutionary Physiology

FYGE4500 Master Thesis in Animal Physiogy

BIOL2200 Final Exam for Batchelor Thesis/Physiology


The research in my group is focusing mostly on cardiovascular functions and metabolic rate of fishes and other aquatic animals from molecular to functional level. We are studying how animals can respond to different environmental challenges including climate change, hypoxia, toxins and their interactions. These challenges are especially important in Baltic Sea area where most of our research is done. We are, however, also interested about cardiovascular functions of mammals and how they can respond to challenges like diabetes, cancer and ageing.


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Warm, but not hypoxic acclimation, prolongs ventricular diastole and decreases the protein level of Na+/Ca2+exchanger to enhance cardiac thermal tolerance in European sea bass (2022)

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology
Pettinau Luca, Lancien Frédéric, Zhang Yangfan, Mauduit Florian, Ollivier Hélène, Farrell Anthony P, Claireaux Guy, Anttila Katja
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Cellular, mitochondrial and molecular alterations associate with early left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in a porcine model of diabetic metabolic derangement (2020)

Scientific Reports
Ilkka Heinonen, Oana Sorop, Bas M. van Dalen, Rob C. I. Wüst, Jens van de Wouw, Vincent J. de Beer, Yanti Octavia, Richard W. B. van Duin, Youri Hoogstrate, Lau Blonden, Milla Alkio, Katja Anttila, Andrew Stubbs, Jolanda van der Velden, Daphne Merkus, Dirk J. Duncker
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))