Areas of expertise
Leo Lahti is professor in Data Science in University of Turku, Finland. His research team focuses on computational analysis and modeling of complex natural and social systems. Lahti obtained doctoral degree (DSc) from Aalto University in Finland (2010), developing probabilistic machine learning methods for high-throughput life science data integration. This was followed by subsequent postdoctoral research at EBI/Hinxton (UK), Wageningen University (NL), and VIB/KU Leuven (BE). Lahti has coordinated international networks in data science methods and applications and organizes international data science training events on a regular basis. He is vice chair for the national coordination on open science Finland, executive committee member for the International Science Council Committee on Data (2023-2025), member of the global Bioconductor Community Advisory Board, and founder of the open science work group of Open Knowledge Finland ry. For more information, see the research homepage iki.fi/Leo.Lahti
Computational and data science, statistical and probabilistic programming, machine learning, AI, applied statistics, ecological models, open science
Computational scientist focusing on change in complex natural and social systems, and how they can be understood through a computational lens.