Maria B. Garda (PhD) has been researching video games and digital media from the perspectives of genre, nostalgia and local history. She is an expert of media history, and her current work focuses on video game cultures and contemporary forms of hacking. Maria’s recent publications have dealt with indie games, role-playing games, and roguelikes, and she was previously involved with several research projects, including: “Alternative Usage of New Media Technology During The Decline of People’s Republic of Poland” (University of Lodz, 2013-17) and “Creative Micro-computing in Australia, 1976-1992” (Flinders University, 2017-18). She is a co-founder of Replay. The Polish Journal of Game Studies and the vice-president of Games Research Association of Poland.
She is currently working on a book project with Paweł Grabarczyk, under a working title: Digital Epigones? A Cultural History of the Late 8- and 16-bit Video Games.
Swalwell, M., & Garda, M. B. (2019, March). Art, Maths, Electronics and Micros: The Late Work of Stan Ostoja-Kotkowski. In Arts (Vol. 8, No. 1, p. 23). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. https://doi.org/10.3390/arts8010023
J. Suominen, A. Sivula and M.B. Garda (2018). Incorporating Curator, Collector and Player Credibilities: Crowdfunding Campaign for the Finnish Museum of Games and the Creation of Game Heritage Community. Kinephanos. https://www.kinephanos.ca/2018/incorporating-curator-collector-and-player-credibilities-crowdfunding-campaign-for-the-finnish-museum-of-games-and-the-creation-of-game-heritage-community
M.B. Garda (2018). Motywacja nostalgiczna zwrotu retro w grach wideo s. In: Retromania. M. Majorek (eds.). WNKatedra : Gdańsk.
M.B. Garda, S. Krawczyk (2017). Ćwierć wieku polskich badań nad grami wideo [Quarter of a Century of Polish Game Studies]. Teksty Drugie, 2017 (3), 69-85. https://journals.openedition.org/td/1090
M.B. Garda (2016). Interaktywne fantasy. Gatunek w grach wideo. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
M.B. Garda, P. Grabarczyk (2016). Is Every Indie Game Independent? Towards the Concept of Independent Game. Game Studies 1 (16) 2016. http://gamestudies.org/1601/articles/gardagrabarczyk
M. B. Garda (2016). Nowa historia gier wideo? Ekrany Journal [PL]
M. B. Garda (2015). Modele fuzji gatunkowej w grach cyfrowych. W: Trajektorie obrazów. Strategie wizualne w sztuce współczesnej, red. R. W. Kluszczyński, D. Rode, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, s. 69-77. [PL]
M.B. Garda (2014). Gry komputerowe jako dziedzictwo kulturowe. W: „Replay” 1 (1), s. 119-127. [PL]
M. B. Garda (2014). Nostalgia in Retro Game Design. DiGRA '13 - Proceedings of the 2013 DiGRA International Conference: DeFragging Game Studies, August, 2014, Volume: 7 [EN]
M.B. Garda (2013). Neorogue and the essence of roguelikeness. W: „Homo Ludens” 1 (5) , s. 59-72. [EN]
M. B. Garda (2012). ‘Limits of Genre, Limits of Fantasy’: Rethinking Computer Role-Playing Games, W: Cultural Perspectives of Video Games: From Designer to Player, red. Adam L. Brackin, Natacha Guyot, Oxford : Inter-Disciplinary Press. [EN]
M. B. Garda, B. Lewandowski (2011). Indie games - fenomen gier niezależnych. W: „Przegląd kulturoznawczy” 1 (9), s.143-153. [PL]
M. B. Garda (2010), Gra The Witcher w uniwersum Wiedźmina, W: „Homo Ludens”, 1 (2), s. 19-28. [PL]