Martin Seltmann profile picture
Postdoctoral Researcher, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Docent, Department of Biology


Vesilinnantie 5

Areas of expertise

Animal personality
behavioural ecology
social behaviour
stress physiology
habitat selection
human-animal interactions
human-wildlife conflict


Basics in Biostatistics using R

Introduction to Behavioural and Evolutionary Ecology

Teaching contributions in “Biological Research Introductions”


I am mostly interested in consistent individual differences in behaviour (aka personality), social behaviour and stress physiology in an ecological but also in a human-animal interaction context. Recently, I am also investigating habitat selection processes and how those can lead to human-wildlife agricultural conflcits. To address my research questions, I study Asian elephants, reindeer and Barnacle geese. Lately, I'v become interested in historical and contemporary human attitudes towards wildlife along the urban-rural gradient. I also study how kin network characteristics are linked to early childhood surivial in a historical population of Finns.


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Hanhipellot ihmisten ja hanhien välisen ristiriidan lievittäjänä (2024)

Forsman, Jukka; Jokinen, Mikko; Heikkinen, Juha; Hiedanpää, Juha; Juutinen, Artti; Laaksonen, Toni; Laurila, Marika; Liu, Xing; Piha, Markus; Pellikka, Jani; Salo, Matti; Seimola, Tuomas; Seltmann, Martin; Store, Ron; Ylitalo, Anna-Kaisa
(D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys )

Asian elephant calf physiology and mahout perspectives during taming in Myanmar (2024)

Royal Society Open Science
Crawley Jennie A. H., Nandar Hnin, Zaw Htet T., Lahdenperä Mirkka, Franco dos Santos Diogo J., Seltmann Martin W., Brown Janine L., Goodsell Robert M., Oo Zaw M., Htut Win, Nyein U. K., Aung Htoo H., Lummaa Virpi
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))