Mia Lempiäinen-Avci profile picture
Project Coordinator, Research Services
Biodiversity Unit of the University of Turku


+358 29 450 2114
+358 40 053 9279

Areas of expertise

Environmental history
Cultivation history
Economic Plants
Middle Ages
Early Modern Period


I received my Master's degree in archaeology at University of Turku in 2008. I have worked as an archaeobotanist in the Archaeological museum at the University of Stavanger, Norway, during 2016-2019. I received my PhD in 2019. For the majority of my career I have worked as a grant researcher in research projects funded by various foundations and the Academy of Finland. My affiliations include the University of Turku (Department of Archaeology and Biodiversity unit), University of Stavanger and Niedersächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung. I am a post doc at Biodiversity unit at UTU. Currently I work as a specialist at the Research Funding Unit at UTU.


I teach archaeobotany at the University of Turku for geology students. I supervise Master's theses and review them.


My research focuses especially on history of economic plants, cultivation, agriculture and biodiversity during Iron age and the Middle Ages from an archaeological and archaeobotanical point of view. Geographically my research covers Fennoscandia and Baltic regions. My research have included genetic studies of Finnish crop history, cultivation history of medieval rural villages, analyses of plants in graves, studies on diet and consumption from archaeological sites, analyses of wood species of medieval sculptures and coffins, waterlogged plant material from ship wrecks, and crime scene analysis.


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Herbarium TUR Celebrates Its 100 Years (2023)

Lehtonen Samuli, Glenda G. Cárdenas, Huhtinen Seppo, Huttunen Sanna, Keskiniva Venni, Kosonen Timo, Kuusisto Inka, Lampinen Jussi, Lempiäinen-Avci Mia, Llerena Nelly, Thien Tam Luong, Marsh Tarja, Oksanen Hanna, Pihlaja Kati, Puolasmaa Arto, Riikonen Ritva, Toivonen Mika, Wahlsten Aliisa
(Kirjoitus tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (B1))