Areas of expertise
I am a legal scholar with a background in private law. Currently, I concentrate on studying law, artificial intelligence and regulatory theory.
I work as a professor of private law at the Faculty.
Most of my teaching focuses on private law. I'm responsible for the compulsory study module on the law of obligations, a specialization field study module on contract and torts, the advanced studies on the law of obligations, and a number of elective courses. I also coach the Faculty Willem C. Vis Moot Court team.
My work mixes legal theory, socio-legal studies approaches, and doctrinal work. In 2008, I defended my dissertation on quantifying damages in torts and for breach of contract. Since that I've retained an interest in traditional private law themes, including contract and torts, but migrated through financial regulation to regulatory theory and artificial intelligence.
I have been active in numerous research projects. Current projects include ETAROS and FLAIG.