Professor, Laws
professor, S.J.D. (Harv.), Lic.Phil., LL.M., M.Sc.
Areas of expertise
International law
global law and policy
critical theory
law and emerging technologies
Professor Korhonen obtained her doctorate at Harvard Law School. Her main area of expertise is international law. Korhonen has worked in academia and in government, She is Docent at the Universities of Helsinki and Eastern Finland (Finland). She has taught at Boston University (Brussels), Universite Libre de Bruxelles, and American University (Cairo) as well as in the Sciences Po Universite intensive doctoral summer program in law; she serves as core faculty in the Institute of Global Law and Policy (Harvard Law School) and as a member on a number of editorial boards of academic journal/yearbooks. Her teaching spans over a variety of international and law subjects including:
-general international law
-human rights
-international and EU environmental regulation
-law and technology
-crisis and post-conflict governance
Korhonen has advised on EU-compatible law-drafting in Eastern Europe; prepared human rights and civics manuals in Kosovo, and participated in a joint Scandinavian project to support the rehabilitation of former combatants. Her research interests are global comprising topics of law and policy, critical theory and philosophy including methodology. Korhonen's projects investigate law and governance in the cyberspace, web3.0 technologies and the metaverse. Korhonen's publications include several books and she is author of more than 70 scholarly articles and book chapters. She has administrative experience from the Finnish government and the EU.
-general international law
-human rights
-international and EU environmental regulation
-law and technology
-crisis and post-conflict governance
Korhonen has advised on EU-compatible law-drafting in Eastern Europe; prepared human rights and civics manuals in Kosovo, and participated in a joint Scandinavian project to support the rehabilitation of former combatants. Her research interests are global comprising topics of law and policy, critical theory and philosophy including methodology. Korhonen's projects investigate law and governance in the cyberspace, web3.0 technologies and the metaverse. Korhonen's publications include several books and she is author of more than 70 scholarly articles and book chapters. She has administrative experience from the Finnish government and the EU.
All levels of international law: introduction, advanced, master's thesis, doctoral studies
Selective courses
On international law and Gaza: critical reflections (2024)
London Review of International Law
(B1 Vertaisarvioitu muu artikkeli (esim. pääkirjoitus, letter, comment) tieteellisessä lehdessä)
Elusive Interdisciplinarity in International Law in the Nordics (2024)
Nordic Journal of International Law
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))
Emerging Technologies and International Governance (2024)
(I1 Audiovisuaalinen julkaisu)Debate as a Pedagogical Practice: A Case Study from Finland on Teaching International Law (2024)
Journal of Legal Education
(B1 Vertaisarvioimaton kirjoitus tieteellisessä lehdessä )
Konfliktikierteestä rauhankierteeseen – miten torjua Ukrainan ja Lähi-Idän uudet sodat? (2023)
(Yleistajuinen artikkeli tai blogikirjoitus (E1))
Green Transition through Energy Inclusion Communities and DAOs (with appended list of exemplary organizations) (2023)
(Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti taikka -selvitys (D4))Subjecthood in Cyberspace and the Uncanny Valley of International Law (2023)
Nordic Journal of International Law
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )
The Evergreen Examination Question (2023)
(Kirjoitus tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (B1))