Paula Pehkonen profile picture
Coordinator, University Communications
FM, Kulttuurituottaja (AMK)


+358 29 450 4460
+358 50 357 4458
Joukahaisenkatu 3-5


I work in the Partnerships and Strategic Engagement unit as an alumni relations coordinator. Alumni are the University's biggest stakeholder group. They are active in all aspects of society and are therefore an important part of the University's social interaction.

My primary role is to support the interaction between alumni and the University and the process of growing as an alumni. My tasks include alumni communication and the maintenance of the alumni register. I support the faculties in the development and implementation of alumni activities.

In my work, I want to promote the visibility and attractiveness of the University's alumni activities, offer alumni a wide range of opportunities to participate in the University's activities, and be involved in producing alumni activities that are mutually beneficial for both alumni and the University.

I also coordinated the procurement of a new event management system for the University.

You can contact me if you would like, for example, to

- to communicate with alumni

- to brainstorm ideas for alumni activities

- organise an alumni event

- have any other questions about alumni activities (or anything else)

My work is driven by curiosity, the joy of learning and the desire to help, so you can contact me with a low threshold!


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