Pauliina Peltonen profile picture
Postdoctoral Researcher, English, Classics and Multilingual Translation Studies


Arcanuminkuja 1

Areas of expertise

language learning
second language speech
second language interaction
oral proficiency
communication strategies


I am a university lecturer in the Department of English at the University of Turku. During 2022–2024, I work as a postdoctoral researcher in the project Fluency and Disfluency Features in L2 Speech, which is funded by the Research Council of Finland. During spring 2023, I was a visiting researcher at Philipps-University Marburg in Germany.

I am a member of the research group FlowLang and a member of the executive team for Leala, The Centre for Language Learning Research at the University of Turku. During 2017–2020, I was a member of the executive board for the Finnish Association for Applied Linguistics (AFinLA; vice-chair during 2019–2020). Since 2014, I have been a member of the AFinLA research network Speech and Spoken Language Research

I defended my doctoral dissertation on September 11th, 2020 at the University of Turku. My doctoral dissertation focuses on Finnish learners' speech fluency in English. In the article-based dissertation, I examined the interplay between second language fluency and problem-solving mechanisms, such as communication strategies. The work was funded by the Utuling doctoral programme in 2014–2017 and by the Alfred Kordelin Foundation in 2019–2020 (6-month finalization grant).

During the academic year 2021–2022, I worked as a substitute university lecturer in the English Department, University of Turku. Before that (2020–2021), I worked as a project researcher in the project Fluency across Multilingual Speakers (MultiFluency), which is funded by The Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland.

I have also worked as a part-time project researcher in the project Language and literacy learning through art (LALI; French department, University of Turku) during 2018–2019, as a part-time university teacher in 2019 (English department, University of Turku), as a part-time teacher in the Department of Languages at the University of Helsinki (2018, 2019, 2021), and as a part-time teacher at the Helsinki Summer University (2021).


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Fluency revisited (2023)

ELT Journal
Peltonen Pauliina
(B1 Vertaisarvioimaton kirjoitus tieteellisessä lehdessä )