Peter Boström profile picture
Associate Professor, Surgery


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Long-term outcome of patients with frequently recurrent non-muscle-invasive bladder carcinoma treated with one perioperative plus four weekly instillations of mitomycin C followed by monthly Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) or alternating BCG and interferon-α2b instillations: Prospective randomised finnbladder-4 study (2015)

European Urology
Järvinen R., Marttila T., Kaasinen E., Rintala E., Aaltomaa S., Kallio J., Liukkonen T., Puolakka V., Seppänen M., Tuhkanen K., Vaarala M., Viitanen J., Boström P.; FinnBladder Group
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