Rami Vainio profile picture
Professor, Space Research Laboratory


+358 29 450 4294
+358 50 511 4972
Vesilinnantie 5

Areas of expertise

Space physics
solar physics


I am a professor of space physics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku, Finland, and the head of Space Research Laboratory (SRL), which performs experimental, theoretical and computational research on high-energy phenomena in near-Earth space. SRL continuously collaborates with several research groups in Finland and abroad and most of our research projects are joint efforts with a large number of researchers working on the same topics. SRL develops instrumentation for detecting energetic charged particles and numerical simulation codes to understand the propagation of charged particles through electromagnetic fields in space.


Interest areas: Space Physics, Plasma Physics, Astrophysics

Responsibilities: In charge of the Space Physics curriculum in the University of Turku.
Lecturing courses on Mathematical Methods in Physics II (BSc, 5 cp); Space Physics (BSc, 5 cp); Hydrodynamics and Hydromagnetics (MSc, 8 cp); Plasma Astrophysics (MSc, 8cp).


Solar energetic particles (SEPs). The Sun produces very energetic particles during solar eruptions, i.e., solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). These outburst of energetic particles are called SEP events or solar particle events. Because they can penetrate thick layers of material, SEPs constitute a severe radiation risk to humans and electronics in space. Together with my research group and collaborators, I study the acceleration of SEPs close to the Sun and their transport in the interplanetary medium to near-Earth space and beyond, as well as the near-Earth radiation environment generated by SEPs.

Shock waves are transitions from supersonic to subsonic flow associated with compression (i.e., increase of density) and dissipation (i.e., conversion of ordered kinetic energy of the flow to random thermal energy). In ordinary gases, shocks have thicknesses of the order of the collisional mean free path of the molecular motion. In dilute space plasmas, binary collisions are too infrequent to account for the dissipation and re-distribution of energy. Instead, collective processes involving fluctuating electromagnetic fields take the role of collisions. Such shocks are termed collisionless shocks. In the absence of binary collisions, collisionless shocks generate energetic particle populations (such as SEPs) and together with my research group and collaborators, I focus on understanding this acceleration process in detail.


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The probabilistic solar particle event forecasting (PROSPER) model (2022)

Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate
Papaioannou Athanasios, Vainio Rami, Raukunen Osku, Jiggens Piers, Aran Angels, Dierckxsens Mark, Mallios Sotirios A, Paassilta Miikka, Anastasiadis Anastasios
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Review of solar energetic particle models (2022)

Advances in Space Research
Whitman Kathryn, Egeland Ricky, G.Richardson Ian, Allison Clayton, Quinn Philip, Barzilla Janet, Kitiashvili Irina, Sadykov Viacheslav, M.Baini Hazel, Dierckxsens Mark, Mays M. Leila, Tadesse Tilaye, T.Lee Kerry, Semones Edward, G.Luhmann Janet, Núñez Marlon, White Stephen M., W.Kahler Stephen, G.Ling Alan, F.Smart Don, Shea Margaret A., Tenishev Valeriy, Boubrahimi Soukaina F., Aydin Berkay, Martens Petrus, Angryk Rafal, S.Marsh Michael, Dalla Silvia, Crosby Norma, Schwadron Nathan A., Kozarev Kamen, Gorby Matthew, A.Young Matthew, Laurenza Monica, Cliver Edward W., Alberti Tommaso, Stumpo Mirko, Benella Simone, Papaioannou Athanasios, Anastasiadis Anastasios, Sandberg Ingmar, K.Georgoulis Manolis, Ji Anli, Kempton Dustin, Pandey Chetraj, Li Gang, Hu Junxiang, P.Zank Gary, Lavasa Eleni, Giannopoulos Giorgos, Falconer David, Kadadi Yash, Fernandes Ian, Dayeh Maher A., Muñoz-Jaramillo Andrés, Chatterjee Subhamoy, Moreland Kimberly D., Sokolov Igor V., Roussev Ilia I., Taktakishvili Aleksandre, Effenberger Frederic, Gombosi Tamas, Huang Zhenguang, Zhao Lulu, Wijsen Nicolas, Aran Angels, Poedts Stefaan, Kouloumvakos Athanasios, Paassilta Miikka, Vainio Rami, Belov Anatoly, Eroshenko Eugenia A., Abunina Maria A., Abunin Artem A., Balch Christopher C., Malandraki Olga, Karavolos Michalis, Heber Bernd, Labrenz Johannes, Kühl Patrick, Kosovichev Alexander G., Oria Vincent, Nita Gelu M., Illarionov Egor, M.O’Keefe Patrick, Jiang Yucheng, Fereira Sheldon H., Ali Aatiya, Paouris Evangelos, Aminalragia-Giamini Sigiava, Jiggens Piers, Jin Meng, O.Lee Christina, Palmerio Erika, Bruno Alessandro, Kasapis Spiridon, Wang Xiantong, Chen Yang, Sanahuja Blai, Lario David, Jacobs Carla, Strauss Du Toit, Steyn Ruhann, van den Berg Jabus, Swalwell Bill, Waterfall Charlotte, Nedal Mohamed, Miteva Rositsa, Dechev Momchil, Zucca Pietro, Engell Alec, Maze Brianna, Farmer Harold, Kerber Thuha, Barnett Ben, Loomis Jeremy, Grey Nathan, Thompson Barbara J., Linker Jon A., Caplan Ronald M., Downs Cooper, Török Tibor, Lionello Roberto, Titov Viacheslav, Zhang Ming, Hosseinzadeh Pouya
(Vertaisarvioitu katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A2))

Particle energization in space plasmas: towards a multi-point, multi-scale plasma observatory (2022)

Experimental Astronomy
Retino Alessandro, Khotyaintsev Yuri, Le Contel Olivier, Marcucci Maria Federica, Plaschke Ferdinand, Vaivads Andris, Angelopoulos Vassilis, Blasi Pasquale, Burch Jim, De Keyser Johan, Dunlop Malcolm, Dai Lei, Eastwood Jonathan, Fu Huishan, Haaland Stein, Hoshino Masahiro, Johlander Andreas, Kepko Larry, Kucharek Harald, Lapenta Gianni, Lavraud Benoit, Malandraki Olga, Matthaeus William, McWilliams Kathryn, Petrukovich Anatoli, Pincon Jean-Louis, Saito Yoshifumi, Sorriso-Valvo Luca, Vainio Rami, Wimmer-Schweingruber Robert
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

CMEs and SEPs During November-December 2020: A Challenge for Real-Time Space Weather Forecasting (2022)

Space Weather: the International Journal of Research and Applications
Palmerio Erika, Lee Christina O., Mays M. Leila, Luhmann Janet G., Lario David, Sánchez-Cano Beatriz, Richardson Ian G., Vainio Rami, Stevens Michael L., Cohen Christina M.S., Steinvall Konrad, Möstl Christian, Weiss Andreas J., Nieves-Chinchilla Teresa, Li Yan, Larson Davin E., Heyner Daniel, Bale Stuart D., Galvin Antoinette B., Holmström Mats, Khotyaintsev Yuri V., Maksimovic M, Mitrofanov Igor G.
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))