Riikka Taavetti profile picture
University Lecturer, School of History, Culture and Arts Studies
Sukupuolentutkimuksen yliopistonlehtori, VTT
Cruising the Baltic Sea: Nation, Gender and Sexuality in pleasure-based ferry traffic between Finland, Åland and Sweden (PI: Katarina Mattsson, Södertörn University)


+358 29 450 3136
+358 50 571 5680
Arcanuminkuja 1

Areas of expertise

history of sexuality
queer history
gender history
queer studies
oral history
cultural memory studies


I work as a University Lecturer in gender studies. My expertise includes history of sexuality, queer history, oral history, and cultural memory studies.


During academic year 2023-24, I teach in English the following courses

  • SUPU110P/MGEN0020/SUPU213S Aint’ I a Woman? Manifestos in Feminist Thought
  • MGEN0006/SUPU118A Advanced Introduction to Gender Theories
  • SUPU211S/ MGEN0018 Feminist Epistemologies

I also teach in Finnish introduction to gender studies. In addition, I give guest lectures on other courses assess essays and exams as well as supervise thesis and dissertations.



I have studied the history of sex research and queer memories in Finland and Estonia. My current reseach project is titled The Rainbow Bridge: Queer History in Estonian-Finnish connections. In the project Niklas Koskinen (University of Helsinki) worked as my research assistant. The project is divided into two sub-studies: 

  • Estonian-Finnish Lesbian Networks at the Early 1990s: Remembered and Narrated Transnational Connections, together with Rebeka Põldsam (University of Tartu)
  • Soviet Estonia, Soviet Union and Eastern European Socialist countries in Finnish LGBTIQ+ press.

I also work in reseach project "Cruising the Baltic Sea: Nation, Gender and Sexuality in pleasure-based ferry traffic between Finland, Åland and Sweden" (PI Katarina Mattsson, Södertörn University) in which my work addresses the Sweden-ferries as a cultural phenonomenon in particular from the perspective of sexuality. In addition, I am affiliated with SEXDEM reseach project (PI Katja Kahlina, University of Helsinki: https://sexdem.org/).


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