Saara Hämälistö profile picture
Academy Research Fellow, Institute of Biomedicine
PhD (Medical Biochemistry)

Areas of expertise

extracellular vesicles
B cell lymphoma pathogenesis
translational research


MSc in integrin adhesion and cancer: University of Jyväskylä (2002-2007)

PhD in integrin adhesion and cancer: University of Turku (2007-2010)

Post-doc in lysosome functions in cancer, Cancer Society REsearch Center: 2014-2017 

Cell biologist: Department of Pathology (2017-2018)

Post-doc in immunology: 2021-2023

Principal investigator in pathogenic immune cell vesicles: 2023-


Biomedical scientist, experience in human cancer and immune cell research; strong know-how in microscopy techniques and setting up imaging applications in tissue models. Special eye on pattern recognition and subcellular alterations of intracellular organelles; keen interest towards lysosome and extracellular vesicle functions in immune cells and in pathologic conditions therein. Driven towards translational applications stemming from basic research.

Work experience in CE-IVD environment, clinical hospital pathology, pharmaceutical R&D and biomarker design.


The vesicle structures in the human body act as important messengers in the cells, and they regulate e.g. the spatiotemporal receptor
delivery to the cell surface during cell migration or upon release of enzymes. B cells, the armed forces in the immune system, get
activated and attack invading pathogens with the help of these vesicles. Thus, recognizing the mechanisms that activate the B cell vesicles
is crucial.

We are interested to resolve the mechanisms by which lysosome- and extracellular vesicles (EV) function in B cell
activation. We utilize pharmacological targeting and fine microscopy techniques to resolve these functions in B cell activation. We will
use human B cell lines and B cell lymphoma-, lymphoid- and blood samples from healthy and diseased donors. With the new openings
we expect to generate significant data on lysosome and EV functions in B cells. This project is performed at the Institute of Biomedicine
(University of Turku) and with collaborating laboratories.


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Excess sphingomyelin disturbs ATG9A trafficking and autophagosome closure (2016)

Corcelle-Termeau E, Vindeløv SD, Hämälistö S, Mograbi B, Keldsbo A, Bräsen JH, Favaro E, Adam D, Szyniarowski P, Hofman P, Krautwald S, Farkas T, Petersen NH, Rohde M, Linkermann A, Jäättelä M
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Comparative analysis of human and mouse transcriptomes of Th17 cell priming (2016)

Soile Tuomela, Sini Rautio, Helena Ahlfors, Viveka Öling, Verna Salo,
Ubaid Ullah, Zhi Chen, Saara Hämälistö, Subhash K. Tripathi, Tarmo Äijö,
Omid Rasool, Hayssam Soueidan, Lodewyk Wessels, Brigitta Stockinger,
Harri Lähdesmäki, Riitta Lahesmaa
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))