Areas of expertise
My research interests are urban elites, material culture, gender history and economic and social history prior and during the Industrial Revolution. Geographically, my research are is the northern Baltic (Finland and the Russian Baltic provinces).
Currently, I am working as a post-doctoral researcher in a research project Sanojen liike ja tiedon paikat: Oppineet kirjalliset yhteisöt 1800-luvun alun Suomessa, founded by the Kone Foundation (Mobility of Words and the Places of Knowledge. Learned Communities in Early Nineteenth-Century Finland, PI Dr. Heli Rantala).
Year 2021 I worked in my research project about a nineteenth-century Lutheran priest, his work and social networks in the Parikkala parish in eastern Finland
From April 2019 to December 2020, I worked at the project Agents of Enlightenment. Changing the Minds in Eighteenth-Century Northern Europe (PI Dr. Charlotta Wolff). Academic years 2018-19 and 2017-18 I worked as a university teacher at Finnish History. In 2016-17, I worked at the University of Helsinki, Faculty of Law, where I held a post doc position in the project The Making of Commercial Law. Common Practices and National Legal Rules (PI professor Heikki Pihlajamäki).
I finished my PhD at the University of Turku, School of History, Culture and Arts Studies at 2015. My dissertation was about consumption and urban elite in early 19th-century Finland. Particularly, I focused on the strategic consumption and identity building processes of a wealthy merchant widow Marie Hackman (1776-1865).