The Faculty Council of Faculty of the Social Sciences

The remit of the Council is to develop education and research in the faculty, to make proposals for the action and financial plan and the annual budget and to decide on the guidelines for distributing the resources allocated to the faculty, to adopt the curricula, to approve doctoral and licentiate dissertations and to give permission for the defence of dissertations at a public examination, to propose the number of new students to be admitted annually into the faculty and to decide on the admission criteria, and to handle and resolve other issues assigned to it.

Faculty Council 1.1.2022-31.12.2025
(students 1.1.2024-31.12.2025)

Full memberDebuty
Lauri PaltemaaJuha Räikkä
Suvi SalmenniemiHeikki Ervasti
​Paula Salo​Minna Lehtonen
​Milla Salin​Arttu Saarinen
​Kati RenvallTuomo Häikiö
​Mika SuonpääAntti Pajala
​Eetu LindroosJenni Mäkisalo
​Julia NiinistöRichard Engström
​Matilda Klemola​Aino Rönkä

The meeting minutes (max 1 year) and the dates of the meetings are in intranet.