The Kaupunkinytky (Urban Nudging)

Description: The Kaupunkinytky (Urban Nudging) project investigates, through a multidisciplinary approach, user-acceptable, implementable, ethical, and effective ways of guiding people to make choices that promote their own health and environmentally friendly decisions, particularly in urban environments.

The study has three sub-projects:

  1. Survey: Examining acceptable behavior guidance methods among Finns
  2. Evaluation of ethical issues related to nudging
  3. Field test in collaboration with the city of Turku: Producing specific means for the city to guide its citizens towards healthier and more climate-friendly behavior and mobility.

Schedule: 1/2021-12/2022

Research partners: University of Turku, Faculty of Social Sciences (psychology & philosophy) and Turku School of Economics

Funding: Turku urban research program