Research at the Information Systems Science
Information Systems Science, often called Information Systems (IS), focuses on designing, implementing, and managing technology-driven solutions to meet the needs of businesses, organizations, and society. At its core, IS bridges the gap between technology and the goals of an organization, leveraging data and digital technologies to improve decision-making, innovation, and sustainability.
As an academic discipline, Information Systems explores the design, management, use, and utilization of information technology (IT) and its implications and impacts. Information Systems research and practice look at IT from a socio-technical perspective to understand the interplay between people and technology.
The Association for Information Systems website provides more information about Information Systems as an academic discipline and IS research
The University of Turku has educated IS professionals since the 1980s. The job market for IS graduates and alumni has traditionally been very strong, as the salary levels in the IS Job Index show. In Finland, IS consistently ranks among the best-paying majors in Finland according to the salary survey conducted by the Association of Finnish Business School Graduates (
Our research falls under two synergistic areas
- Management and governance of information technology (IT), currently with a particular focus on the governance and social responsibility of artificial intelligence (AI)
- Diffusion, adoption, and use of IT and its implications for people and societies
Our team publishes in leading IS journals, such as the Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, European Journal of Information Systems, and the Journal of Strategic Information Systems.
We collaborate with a wide range of partners and stakeholders, including large companies, public-sector organizations, SMEs, and non-profit organizations. Our research projects have received funding from, for example, the EU, Business Finland, and the Finnish Research Council. We actively explore new collaboration opportunities.