KV - sidosryhmät

Collaboration in International Business

The international business discipline has wide internal cooperation within Turku School of Economics as well as external cooperation with companies, funding organizations and other universities. Our contacts especially with Åbo Akademi, Aalto University, University of Vaasa and Lappeenranta University of Technology have remained close for years. In addition to domestic colleagues our long standing collaborators are, for example, the University of Tartu in Estonia, the University of Uppsala in Sweden, the University of Sydney in Australia and Wilfried Laurier University in Canada. Our collaboration has resulted in for example research projects, journal articles and joint teaching.

The international business discipline has succeeded well in funding applications. Among Finnish funding organizations for example Academy of Finland, Business Finland, the Foundation for Economic Education, Finnish Cultural Fund and numerous Finnish foundations have supported our research. Companies are our important cooperators both in research and in teaching. In research cooperation the focus is on the future needs of internationally active Finnish organizations. Our students get to solve practical problems for companies for example in special innovation camps – in Finland and abroad. In addition international business alumni are actively involved in sharing their experiences with new experts.
