Turku Centre for Labour Studies TCLS - Network
Specialists of working life in collaboration
The centre functions as a network. The network includes specialists and researchers from all faculties of the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi. In addition, the network includes an extensive set of working life research institutes, working life influencers and members and alumnus from public organisations and companies. Turku Centre for Labour Studies has also a wide international network of researchers.
We cooperate with key national and international partners, such as the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, the Research Institute of the Finnish Economy ETLA and in addition a number of international research networks and institutes that promote working life research, such as LERA, ILERA, ESA, EGOS, ASA, EARLI and Eurofound.
Forms of network collaboration
- Research collaboration
- Research seminars
- WORK conferences
- Disseminating research findings
- Teaching working life skills
- Entrepreneurship collaboration
- Alumnus collaboration