Dissertation defence (Adolescent Psychiatry): LL Tiia Ståhlberg

LL Tiia Ståhlberg defends her dissertation in Adolescent Psychiatry entitled “Prenatal and perinatal epidemiology of anxiety disorders” at the University of Turku on 12 May 2023 at 12.15pm (University of Turku, Medisiina C, Osmo Järvi lecture hall, Kiinamyllynkatu 10, Turku).

The audience can participate in the defence also through remote access: https://utu.zoom.us/j/67612842473 (copy the link to the browser).

Opponent: Professor Eva Serlachius (Lund University, Sweden)
Custos: Docent Kim Kronström (University of Turku)

Digital copy of the dissertation at UTUPub: https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-29-9249-2 (copy the link to the browser).
University Communications