Dissertation defence (Chemistry): FM Valtteri Virtanen


29.9.2023 at 12.00 - 16.00
FM Valtteri Virtanen defends the dissertation in Chemistry titled ”Hydrophobicity and lipid interactions of hydrolysable tannins” at the University of Turku on 29 September 2023 at 12.00 (University of Turku, Natura, Lecture Hall X, Turku).

The audience can participate in the defence by remote access: https://echo360.org.uk/section/e531bcd0-a8aa-4be9-86f5-97031f5d05de/public

Opponent: Doctor Ana Reis (University of Porto, Portugal)
Custos: Docent Maarit Karonen (University of Turku)

Doctoral Dissertation at UTUPub: https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-29-9431-1
University Communications