Dissertation defence (Psychology): PsM Eerika Johander


2.2.2024 at 12.00 - 16.00
PsM Eerika Johander defends the dissertation in Psychology titled “Effectiveness of Adults Targeted Interventions in Stopping Bullying” at the University of Turku on 02 February 2024 at 12.00 (University of Turku, Publicum, Pub 3 lecture hall, Assistentinkatu 7, Turku).

The audience can participate in the defence by remote access: https://echo360.org.uk/section/b1fe5f7b-2f56-42b8-8916-39747b0ff171/public

Opponent: Associate Professor Annalaura Nocentini (University of Florence, Italy)
Custos: Professor Christina Salmivalli (University of Turku)

Doctoral Dissertation at UTUPub: https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-29-9596-7
University Communications