Data Management Plan (DMP) after Academy of Finland's funding decision
After a positive funding decision the responsible researcher submits a Data Management Plan (DMP) to the Academy of Finland. University and the site of research commit to it.
DMP is a prerequisite for receiving the Academy's funding. It should be submitted a maximum of eight (8) weeks after receiving the positive decision. DMP is submitted in the SARA online service as applicant approves the funding. The site of research commits to the contents of the DMP and approves the funding to be received. The funds will only be paid after the applicant and the representative of the site of research have accepted the DMP.
The process after a positive funding decision
We recommend using the DMPTuuli tool to draft the data management plan. In three (3) weeks time the responsible Head of Project (i.e. researcher) sends the first version of DMP to research service support team at for comments.
According to good practice the responsible head of project should also send the DMP to the site of research (usually the head of department/director) in good time before the deadline, so the site of research can commit to the contents of the DMP.
When the DMP is ready the responsible Head of Project sends it to
- SARA system - representative of the site of research approves it
- controller team at
Further information and instructions on how to draft a data management plan are available in the Research Data guide.
Service addresses