Exchange Students in a Merry Vappu Mood


Vappu caused amazement and approval among students as a joyful end for a tough year of studying. – We have discussed with other exchange students that it’s a shame we don’t have such a celebration for students at home, says French exchange student Elizabeth Zahoui.

Exchange students and the international staff of the University of Turku celebrated Pre-Vappu at Mercatori on Wednesday 29 April. The Finnish carnival received many thanks from the international crowd.

​The International Office arranged the traditional Pre-Vappu celebration for international students and staff at Mercatori on 29 April.

The programme included enjoying some vappu delicacies such as Finnish mead and doughnuts as well as joyful activities.

Crowds of exchange students wanted to get their photos taken with student overalls and student’s caps.

The whooping students grabbed balloons that were thrown from the balcony, and collected prizes according to the numbering in the balloons.

French Elizabeth Zahoui, 20, who won liquorice and a streamer, was thrilled about the Finnish student celebration.

– I didn’t know what to expect, but this party is just amazing!

Zahoui is a student of languages and international trade and she stated that the exchange students intend to follow the Finnish vappu crowd.

– Since I don’t have overalls, I will attach the badges that I’ve collected this semester onto a T-shirt, Elizabeth smiled.

Finally, the results of the Turku-themed photo competition were announced. The two exchange students who had taken the photos that were most liked on Facebook were rewarded, as well as the favourite photo of the International Office team.

The happy crowd left Turku School of Economics cheerfully to continue their vappu celebrations.

Aura Jaakkola

Created 30.04.2014 | Updated 30.04.2014