Finland University Negotiates on the Export of Forestry Education with Indonesia


The representatives of Finland University Ltd, which exports education, are negotiating about commencing forestry education in Indonesia with the Indonesian government. The goal is to develop the use and protection of natural resources with education and research.

​Last week, the representatives of the educational export company of the Universities of Turku, Tampere and Eastern Finland met the Vice President Jusuf Kalla, Minister of Forestry Siti Nurbianto and Minister Mohammad Nasir, who is responsible for Research, Technology and Higher Education, in Jakarta.

The meeting involved discussions on starting extensive collaboration in order to renew the strategies of Indonesia’s national education and forestry sectors. The presentation was very well received. The delegation was led by Ambassador of Finland to Indonesia Päivi Hiltunen-Toivio who presented the expertise of the parent universities of Finland University Ltd to Vice President Kallan.

The goal of combining Finnish and Indonesian know-how is the ecologically, socially and economically sustainable use of the natural resources. Next, the export of education will be discussed in Finland at the beginning of 2015.

Demand for Educational Know-how

Indonesia has a great need for forestry education. Indonesia’s Center for Forestry Education and Training will establish several new units by 2020 and 15,000 employees need to be trained in their tasks.

Indonesia is a significant global actor in forestry – its rainforests are the third largest in the world. However, there are also unique forest areas in their natural state which are at risk because of the increasing population as well as the rising standard of living. In addition, climate change causes major problems both for forestry and conservation.

CEO Pasi Kaskinen of Finland University Ltd, the future Rector of the University of Eastern Finland Jukka Mönkkönen, Specialist in Southeast Asia Juha Christensen, specialist in forestry Doctor Ari Lauren, and Coordinator Mari Perlinen of Finland University were the Finnish representatives in the negotiations.

>> Finland University

Text: TK
Translation: MR
Photo: Mari Perlinen: Mari Perlinen

Created 26.11.2014 | Updated 26.11.2014