Higher Education Institutions in Turku Increase Co-operation


The University of Turku, Åbo Akademi University, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Novia University of Applied Sciences, Diaconia University of Applied Sciences and HUMAK University of Applied Sciences have signed a partnership agreement.

​The partnership agreement aims to advance the co-operation of higher education institutions for increasing the well-being of the region. Co-operation will increase in teaching as well as research, development and innovation activities.

The higher education institutions aim to develop the quality, efficiency and impact of their activities, as well as promote the profile and attractiveness of the region. Studies will be made more flexible by removing obstacles related to cross-studies. The aim is to launch joint specialised education in separately agreed subjects.

The utilisation of resources will be enhanced with suitable work divisions, co-operation and space solutions. The aim is the effective collective use of spaces and support services. The higher education institutions will, for example, inspect the current situation of higher education sport services in Turku and assess how they could be developed.

– This co-operation aims to develop the quality and versatility of our activities, as well as their cost efficiency. For example, our research infrastructures could certainly contain possibilities for joint acquisitions and uses, says Rector Kalervo Väänänen from the University of Turku.

– We have all the possibilities to further increase our co-operation and create synergistic advantages that provide results in both research and education. Joint research projects increase funding possibilities, and a larger education community guarantees quality, says Rector Mikko Hupa from Åbo Akademi University.

– We want Turku to be seen as an interesting place to study, both a nationally and internationally. With closer co-operation, we can provide even better services for students, working life and our personnel, notes Rector/Managing Director Vesa Taatila from the Turku University of Applied Sciences.

The development of the co-operation is led by the co-operation steering group of the higher education institutions in Turku, which consists of representatives from the higher education institutions.


Text: Tuomas Koivula
Photo: Hanna Oksanen
Translation: Sam Parwar

Created 22.06.2015 | Updated 22.06.2015