Ideas for the Student City of Dreams at the 24-Hour Camp


11 student teams took part in the Challenge Turku innovation camp, which was organised for the second time, and the judges praised that all the ideas of the teams were feasible. The winning team wanted to develop the cultural destinations of Turku in order to make them more attractive.

The Challenge Turku competition was won by Team White: team tutor Esteban Soto (left), Sobhan Niroula, Jose DeCos and Karyna Yanchohola.

​At the beginning of the 24-hour camp, the teams were challenged to make suggestions for developing Turku as a student city.

The teams contemplated, for example, how to make the students feel like part of the city already during their studies and how to increase social contacts with and the participation of the inhabitants.

Technology was included in many of the innovations and phone applications were popular among the suggestions.

–All the ideas of the teams were feasible, which is great, says the chairman of the judges, Professor of Business and Innovation Development Pasi Malinen.
In addition to the feasibility of the idea, the criteria in choosing the winning team were the innovativeness and attractiveness of the idea and how it would develop Turku.

Culture Increases Attractiveness

The idea of the winning team was to continue the Turku 2011 European Capital of Culture year and bring more art to the city.

Team White suggested placing info booths at the city’s attractions, where you could also take photos of yourself. The next step is to develop the idea in collaboration between the University of Turku and the City of Turku.

– Team White’s practical idea could encourage more teams to attend the Challenge Turku camp next year, hopes Pasi Malinen.

In addition to Malinen, the other members of the judging panel was Erkki Härkönen from Educational Development and Counselling Services of the University of Turku, Chairwoman Minna Arve of the Turku City Board, Aleksi Lehtisalo from Microsoft and Mikko Mononen, who is a member of the Student Union Executive Board.

Challenge Turku camp was organised by the University of Turku, the City of Turku, Microsoft PLC and Junior Achievement association on March 25–26, 2014.

Text: Maria Ojanen
Translation: Mari Ratia

Created 31.03.2014 | Updated 31.03.2014