International Business professor Niina Nummela receives a teaching award from Suomen Ekonomit
Original news from the University of Turku 22.8.2024 (in Finnish)
Professor of International Busicess, Vice Dean Niina Nummela received the teaching award of Suomen Ekonomit during the Kauppatieteiden päivät (Economics days) 21.8.2024. This year the teaching award was reserved for a teacher, who excels in supervising theses.

Niina Nummela has supervised over 200 master's theses. She has also guided 30 doctoral dissertations to the finish line and acts as the MyTeacher for about 25 students majoring in international business.
The students describe Nummela for example as follows:
– Nummela has created the policy in our unit that a more senior scholar supervises master thesis groups together with a junior scholar, enabling talent development through natural interaction. This also builds consistency in supervision in our faculty.
– It has been wonderful to discuss the thesis project together in a way that takes note of us students' wishes. Nummela's interest and understanding of the student's topic has motivated and supported my research. For me in particular, Nummela has been understanding and helpful in combining thesis work with my job.
– Niina Nummela is highly skilled, experienced and intelligent, which is visible in everything she does. She also uses her strong expertice and experience in being rather demanding of the students, which I find good, as it pushes everyone forward.
The teaching award supports teaching development in economics and business administration
The 6 000 euro teaching award is given yearly to a teacher, who has significantly improve the quality of education. With the teaching award, Suomen Ekonomit supports the development of teaching in economics and business administration. The goal is to maintain the quality and appreciation of business education.
In addition, Turun KY, who made the winning suggestion, was awarded 1 000 euros.
The teaching award has been granted since the year 1998.