Keyword: International Business

This page displays contents related to the keyword.

International Business faculty attends the EIBA conference


Our IB faculty actively contributed to the 50th EIBA Conference, integrating various new viewpoints to IB discussions. Through engaging panel discussions and paper presentations, the team highlighted the relevance of, for example, cosmopolitanism, sustainability, and technological change in the context of international business.

Die PWD 2024


Die Absolventen der Prüfung Wirtschaftsdeutsch International (PWD) wurden zum erfolgreichen Abschluss mit einem Empfang an der Deutschen Botschaft geehrt.

PWD-tutkinnon (kansainvälinen saksan talouskielen tutkinto) 2024 menestyksekkäästi suorittaneet saivat diplominsa Saksan suurlähetystön vastaanotolla 6. toukokuuta.

The COSMO project begins a series of fireside chats


“Fireside chats” originally described the radio addresses by Franklin D. Roosevelt to the American public between 1933 and 1944. In the COSMO project, fireside chats are brief podcasts discussing various viewpoints to current and future working life. You can listen to the chats here.