International Business KVS4 Course Winner and Highly Commended Case Presentation Award 2024
This year KVS4 International Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) took place in the last week of February, and had a case presentation workshop day involving a special guest Antti Sinkkonen, Manager at EY Parthenon.

Students took part in a three day intensive course learning about international M&A. During the first day students learn about M&As as a phenomenon, the different research perspectives and schools of thoughts, learn about the M&A process and what the pre M&A phase comprises. On the second day students learn more about the post-acquisitions stage and the socio-cultural perspectives to integration, and M&A success and performance. Students have been working on six recent international mergers and acquisitions, and on the third day presented what would be the integration strategy they would recommend based on what they have learned, the literature and what they know about the case.
The students’ group presentations were excellent. The course leader and Mr. Antti Sinkkonen from EY Parthenon both agreed that the students had done a fantastic job considering how little time they were given to work on the cases and the presentations. The presentations were formative in nature, not marked. However, giving an award to the best presentation is a way to recognise the work and effort students put into the presentations. When selecting the winner, the presentation skills and the content delivery were emphasized.
The winner of the Best Case Presentation Award 2024 was the group presenting the Lumene Ida Warg acquisition:
Mervi Riikonen
Kai Routila
Nora Svensk
Sanni Leskinen
Jiachen Mao
The group Gridspertise and Aidon acquisition won highly commended for their presentation:
Juuso Helpiö
Noel Lindström
Congratulations to both groups.
Melanie Hassett