KASVA Newsletter 2014-8


This is a KASVA Newsletter. Monthly newsletters are sent to all subscribers of the KASVA mailing list and published on the KASVA website.

KASVA network in Kasvatustieteen päivät, November 20–21, 2014 in Oulu

KASVA network will not organise a preseminar of its own in the Kasvatustieteen päivät according to the decision of the board of directors. Instead, KASVA will present itself in another way. The objective is also that by the end of November there will be more exact information about the future of the KASVA network after the year 2015.
Remember to register for the conference and present your research! The deadline for abstract submission is on October 1st. See further information at the web page of the conference (in Finnish).

Dissertations of the KASVA members

During the next few weeks, there will be at least four dissertations among the KASVA network. Warm congratulations to all the dissertators!
  • Reetta Mietola, KM will defend the doctoral dissertation entitled "Hankala erityisyys - Etnografinen tutkimus erityisopetuksen käytännöistä ja erityisyyden muotoutumisesta yläkoulun arjessa" (Troubling special: An ethnographic study on practices of special education and formation of special in the everyday life of lower secondary school) in the Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, University of Helsinki, on 16 August 2014 at 10:00. See further information.
  • Erja Kuurila defends her doctoral thesis in Education entitled “Career planning and counselling at a university of applied sciences” in the Faculty of Education, University of Turku, on 29 August. See further information.
  • Manne Kallio, KM defends his doctoral thesis in Technology of Education entitled “Risk-Responsibility in Safety Education Culture” in the Faculty of Education, University of Turku, on 12 September. See further information.
  • Leena Liusvaara, KM defends her doctoral thesis in Education entitled "If only the principal has the ears open - pedagogical wellbeing through school development". ” in the Faculty of Education, University of Turku, on 19 September. See further information.
All the members of KASVA, please remember to inform the coordinator of your upcoming dissertation.  

20th Anniversary of CRADLE - an open symposium

The center behind the DWRAE subprogramme of KASVA, The Center for Research on Activity, Development and Learning CRADLE will celebrate its 20th anniversary by means of an open symposium “Activity, Learning, and Agency from Below”, to be held on the 1st of September in the Athena Building, Siltavuorenpenger 3A, Auditorium 107. See further information and register.
KASVA network congratulates the CRADLE unit and thanks for the good cooperation during the years!

Energetic autumn term to all members of KASVA!

 The next KASVA Newsletter will be published in September.  If you have something that you wish to be communicated to the KASVA members, please notify the coordinator.
Created 15.08.2014 | Updated 15.08.2014