LGBT Magazine Archive & LGBT Thought and Culture


The LGBT Magazine Archive and LGBT Thought and Culture databases open up perspectives on LGBT history, art, literature and culture. The materials also address the lifestyle, politics, social attitudes, legal issues and activism of sexual minorities.

LGBT Magazine Archive

The LGBT Magazine Archive offers backfiles of many of the leading, long-running periodicals of this type. Coverage is from the first issue of each publication, with the earliest content dating from 1957 Default termination point for each title is 2015 or the journal ceased date. Most of the journals have been published in the UK or in the USA, but there is one magazine in French, too.  Each issue is scanned from cover to cover in full color.

LGBT Magazine Archive in Volter database.

LGBT Thought and Culture

LGBT Thought and Culture is a database hosting the key works and archival documentation of LGBT political and social movements throughout the 20th century and into the present day. The collection is suitable for Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, Sociology and Political Studies, for example. The contents comprises books, seminal texts, letters, periodicals, speeches and interviews, among others. Special attention may be paid to collections including correspondence of eminent persons: The Pat Rocco Collection, The Jeanne Córdova Papers and The Magnus Hirschfield Collection. The database includes published works and archival materials from around the world, but particular focus is on Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Latin America.

LGBT Thought and Culture in Volter database.

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Created 09.11.2020 | Updated 09.11.2020