Second Swansea-Turku Conference on Globalization and Law


​Turku University Faculty of Law and Swansea University College of Law held a joint international conference on Regulating the Global Economy. The conference was organized by Prof Volker Röben (Swansea) together with Prof Jukka Snell (Turku, Swansea). The conference explored whether we are entering an era of retrenchment and fragmentation of globalization, whether greater regulation of the global economy is needed, and what the structure of such regulation could and should be.


The papers covered topics such as global economic constitutionalism; global social justice and solidarity; and regional and universal organizations, and their interaction. Among the speakers were Prof Anne van Aaken (St Gallen), Prof Mads Andenas (Oslo), Prof John Harrington (Cardiff), Prof Qingjiang Kong (China University of Political Science and Law), Prof Karen Morrow (Swansea), Prof Tuomas Mylly (Turku), Prof Stefan Oeter (Hamburg), Prof Dennis Patterson (EUI, Rutgers, Swansea), Prof Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann (EUI), Prof Anthony Sebok (Cardozo, Swansea), Prof Peter Such (Cardiff), Prof Christian Tietje (Halle), Prof Joel Trachtman (Tufts University, Swansea) and Prof Jan Wouters (Leuven).

Created 28.12.2015 | Updated 28.12.2015