The New MBA-programme for Doctoral Candidates in Life Sciences Began


Entrepreneurship and innovations are highlighted in the new education programme. The goal is to increase understanding of business opportunities in the field of Life Science.

​An international MBA-programme (Master of Business Administration) has been launched at the University of Turku. The programme aimed at doctoral candidates in the field of Life Science. The MBA4PhD-programme offers entrepreneurship and innovation training for doctoral candidates. The goal is to increase doctoral candidates’ understanding of business opportunities in their own field.

The programme consists of 120 credits in total and it lasts two and a half years.

–Practical business skills are useful in any organisation and having a wide selection of skills increases the possibilities of the gradutates in the labour market, say the coordinators of the programme Kirsi Peura and Kaisu Paasio from the University’s Business and Innovation Development (BID) special unit that is responsible for the contents of the programme.

The MBA4PhD-programme is developed and planned in an international consortium that has been funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union. International co-operation partners include the University of Gothenburg, University of Wales and EM Lyon Business School.

The programme started at the end of September. The ten students of the programme are doctoral candidates at the University of Turku, Åbo Akademi -university, University of Helsinki and the University of Eastern Finland. The educational backgrounds of the students widely represent the field of Life Science.

>>More information on the MBA4PhD -programme


Text: TS
Translation: Jenna Sjöholm

Created 11.10.2013 | Updated 11.10.2013