University of Turku alumni gathered in Brussels to network and discuss the future of Europe


The University of Turku hosted its first alumni event in Brussels on 9 December 2024, marking a significant milestone in the University's efforts to foster international collaboration and alumni engagement. The event focused on the importance of research and education in building a competitive and sustainable Europe.

Organised at the premises of the Permanent Representation of Finland to the European Union, the event brought together approximately 50 alumni of the University of Turku as well as experts working in EU institutions to discuss the critical role of research and education in shaping a sustainable and competitive Europe.

Global challenges call for international collaboration

The event was opened by Ritva Viljanen, Chair of the University Board, and Marjo Kaartinen, Rector of the University of Turku. Both expressed their gratitude that so many alumni had been able to attend and emphasised the uniqueness of the event in terms of its theme, venue and participants.

Rector Kaartinen highlighted the University's strategic priorities, such as promoting sustainability, prosperity and multidisciplinary research, which contribute to Europe's competitiveness. She also emphasised the value of internationality in addressing global challenges and the key role of alumni in strengthening research, education and especially international networks in places such as Brussels.

Keynote speeches by Ambassador Jori Arvonen of the Permanent Representation of Finland to the European Union and Member of the University Board Ilkka Salmi explored the importance of European cooperation in ensuring security and stability. They also highighted the role of universities and alumni in fostering collaboration and finding innovative solutions to shared challenges.

Panel discussion explored the role of research, education, and alumni networks for a competitive Europe

The panel discussion, moderated by Director Jukka Kola, delved deeper into the transformative impact of research and education on Europe’s sustainability and competitiveness. The panellists featured Director Minna Rantanen Vuorio of the European Personnel Selection Office, Director-General Ville Itälä of the European Anti-Fraud Office, Director Laura Boxberg of the Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux and the Head of Unit Hannu Pöysti of the EU Translation Services.

The panellists discussed topics such as the role of EU institutions in fostering sustainability and efficiency, cooperation and alumni networks, and the need to address future challenges. The panellists highlighted the need to align talent and resources to achieve sustainable development goals, examples of projects that have optimised the use of resources and bolstered European competitiveness, the importance of cultural collaboration on building international relations, and the way alumni networks can act as catalysts for leveraging research and expertise globally. 

The panellists also discussed the need for enhanced collaboration between universities and EU institutions to ensure a steady flow of skilled professionals into roles that advance European priorities. The importance of universities equipping graduates with the skills to navigate multicultural and multidisciplinary professional environments, especially within EU institutions was emphasised. 

The panellists explored potential solutions to EU-level challenges, such as skills shortages and attracting global talent. The panel concluded that Finland would benefit from having more experts in Brussels, with the University of Turku playing an important role in preparing students for EU careers. Alumni were recognised as valuable ambassadors, sharing their experiences and inspiring students to pursue international opportunities. The panel agreed that alumni can act as bridges between academia, industry, and governance, building partnerships that drive innovation. 

The event concluded with a proposal from Director Jukka Kola to establish an Alumni Club in Brussels. The idea was well-received, sparking discussions on how alumni in Brussels could strengthen their networks and support each other professionally. The University hopes to replicate this model in other European cities, expanding its global alumni network and further supporting graduates in their professional journeys. 

The evening ended with an engaging networking session accompanied by refreshments and live music performed by Miikka Nieminen, creating a warm and collaborative atmosphere for continued discussions.

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Created 18.12.2024 | Updated 18.12.2024