Vilja Varho Appointed as Adjunct Professor in Futures Research


​PhD Vilja Varho has been appointed as Adjunct Professor in Futures Research (special field of expertise: energy and environmental policy) at the University of Turku.

Vilja Varho is a Principal Research Scientist in the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke). She has studied policy and sectoral development of renewable energy, climate issues in transport, and more recently, the future of countryside and horticulture. She has developed expertise-based futures research methods that combine qualitative and quantitative data sets. Inter- and transdisciplinary research are close to her heart.

Varho first learned about futures research in the University of Helsinki in 1995–1996, while working on a course assignment on the future of the Finnish energy sector. Her studies in the Finland Futures Academy she utilised, for example, in her dissertation about the future of Finnish wind power and wind power policy. She received her PhD in Environmental Science and Policy from the University of Helsinki in 2007.

Vilja Varho worked as a Senior Researcher in the Finland Futures Research Centre in 2009–2014, after which she transferred to the MTT Agrifood Research Finland (currently Luke).

Vilja Varho’s cv:



Created 30.05.2016 | Updated 30.05.2016