Liisa Lalu profile picture
Doctoral Researcher, History and Archaelogy


Areas of expertise

Cultural history
gender studies
oral history
life narratives
social movements
new left


I am a doctoral researcher in Cultural History at the University of Turku. In my doctoral dissertation, I study the experiences of young women participating in the Marxist-Leninist movement in Finland in the 1970s. I am interested in how women belonged in the movement and how it is remembered and told espeacially now, half a century later.

Resently I worked on the project "Passion and Emotion in Finnish Secondary Schools, 1960-1975: The Breaking of the Emotional Regime in the Final Stages of the Secondary School System", funded by the Kone Foundation. In this project, we studied the history of an influential but now mostly forgotten organization and understand the mechanisms behind young people’s social and emotional participation.

At the moment I work as a part-time organizational secretary of Finnish Association of Researchers (SATY). See:

I am a board member for the International Society for Cultural History (ISCH), and I belong to the Finnish Oral History Network (FOHN) Board of Directors. 


My research interests include social movements, in particular, leftist movements and oral history, life writing, and gender studies. In my thesis, I focus on the radical communist movement in Finland from the perspective of women activists, but I am interested widely in social movements and activism, and how they are developed and sustained in different stages of life. 


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Johdanto: Etujoukoissa (2023)

Soimetsä Ville, Jouhki Essi, Lalu Liisa
( B2 Vertaisarvioimaton kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa)