Miriam Tedeschi profile picture
Postdoctoral Researcher, Laws
Docent, Geography
Senior Researcher; PI of Research Council of Finland project JuDiCe (Justice in Digital Spaces); Westminster Law & Theory Lab Fellow

Areas of expertise

non-representational theories
new materialism
spatial justice
data justice
urban geography


Dr. Miriam Tedeschi is a researcher at the Faculty of Law, University of Turku and a fellow at the Westminster Law & Theory Lab, London. She is also docent in Human Geography, with specialisation in non-representational theories, at the Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku.
She defended her doctoral thesis in Regional Planning and Public Policies at University Institute of Architecture in Venice, in 2017. She spent her Ph.D. (2014-2016) between the Department of Design and Planning in Complex Environments of the University Institute of Architecture, Venice and the Law and Theory Lab of the University of Westminster, London. She has published widely, both nationally and internationally, including peer-reviewed articles, scientific monographs, book chapters, conference papers, policy reports, popularized texts. Her multidisciplinary curriculum is completed by an MA in Philosophy, a BSc in Digital Communication, and a specific expertise in the ICTs, where she worked as research-oriented consultant for 15 years prior to her Ph.D.
With Daniela Alaattinoglu, she is the co-founder of the research environment "Law, Space and Justice" at the Faculty of Law.

More about her in the article 'Researcher in Spotlight: Miriam Tedeschi' here: https://www.utu.fi/en/news/news/researcher-in-spotlight-miriam-tedeschi.


- Law and the Urban, 3 ECTS. Responsible teacher (2022 onwards).
- Systemschange.now – Systems Thinking in Global Change Research (Theme Humans and Change in Eco-Social Systems), 5 ECTS. Co-teacher (2020-2021; 2021-2022; 2022-2023; 2023-2024).


In both her research and teaching she has combined empirical (mainly ethnographic) work with non-representational theories and new materialism, and through these lenses she has studied a variety of spatio-legal phenomena within the broader fields of human and legal geography: segregated or criminalized spaces (Ph.D. research project, IUAV University & University of Westminster, 2014-2017); migratory spaces (PostDoc research project, Division of Geography, University of Turku, 2018-2019); natural spaces (PostDoc research project, Division of Geography, University of Turku, 2020-2021); blended (physical/digital) spaces (Research Council of Finland research project, Faculty of Law, University of Turku, 2022 onwards).

She is currently PI of JuDiCe (Justice in Digital Spaces), funded by the Research Council of Finland.


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A Danish Blend: The Copenhagen Walkshop (2024)

ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference
Resmini, Andrea; Klyn, Dan; Lindenfalk, Bertil; Tedeschi, Miriam; Szuc, Daniel; Wong, Josephine
(A4 Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa)

A practical guide to the New European Bauhaus self-assessment method and tool (2024)

Gkatzogias, Konstantinos; Lourenço, Paulo B.; Maloutas, Thomas; Romano, Elvira; Santamouris, Matthaios; Negro, Paolo; Widera, Barbara; Ansaloni, Francesca; Balaras, Costas; Katurić, Ivana; Kolokotsa, Dionysia; Rossetto,Tiziana; Senatore, Gennaro; Tomaszewicz, Agnieszka; Medeiros, Eduardo; Pohoryles, Daniel; Acri, Marco; Becerik-Gerber, Burçin; Bisello, Adriano; Campbell, Adrian; Canelas, Patricia; Cimellaro, Gian Paolo; Cotella, Giancarlo; Dimoudi, Argiro; Istrati, Denis; Jokilehto, Jukka Ilmari; Lagaros, Nikos; Manley, Ed; Menteşe, Emin Yahya; Moro, Andrea; Potluka, Oto; Rivera, Felipe; Roupas, Christos; Ruge, Peter; Sadia, Toar; Salihbegović, Amra ; Salwa, Mateusz; Skovgaard Nielsen, Rikke; Stefanakis, Alexandros; Tedeschi, Miriam; Torabi Moghadam, Sara; Tulumello, Simone; van der Zwet, Arno; Vecco, Marilena
(D5 Oppikirja, ammatillinen käsi- tai opaskirja tai sanakirja )