Outi Paloposki profile picture
English, Classics and Multilingual Translation Studies
Professor emerita, English language and translation

Areas of expertise

Translation Studies: history
translator studies


I am professor emerita of English at the University of Turku, School of Languages and Translation Studies. I retired on 1 October 2024 but am continuing research and supervision activities.

Before joining the staff at the University of Turku in 2010 I worked at the universities of Helsinki and Tampere and at the Research Institute for Domestic Languages. My PhD was examined in 2002 at the University of Helsinki (Variation in Translation: Literary Translation into Finnish in 1809-1850; with Prof. Maria Tymoczko as the external examiner). I have given keynote lectures in national and international conferences, addressed international and national PhD seminars and delivered guest lectures in universities in Finland and abroad. I am member of the editorial boards of Perspectives (https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=editorialBoard&journalCode=rmps20) and Kalbos, Studies about Languages (http://kalbos.ktu.lt/index.php/KStud/about/editorialTeam), and of the advisory board of Vita Traductiva (https://vitatraductiva.blog.yorku.ca/ )I was invited member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters (https://acadsci.fi/en/) in 2019.
Together with and under the direction of Prof. Nike K. Pokorn (University of Ljubljana) I have been part of the team of the international Translation Studies and Translation Teaching Summer School since 2012. I am member of the History & Translation Network Steering Group (https://historyandtranslation.net ) and of  the Martha Cheung Award Peer College (https://www.sisubakercentre.org/the-martha-cheung-award/peer-college/ ). In 2016, I was Visiting Fellow at the Moore Institute, National University of Ireland Galway, and during the academic year 2020-2021, Erik Allardt Fellow at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in Uppsala, Sweden.
Podcast 'Käännetään rautalangasta' (in Finnish) together with Prof. emer. H. K. Riikonen, 2022: https://soundcloud.com/sktlry Wikipedia: https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outi_Paloposki (in Finnish)Interview by Prof. Anthony Pym, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain (in 2014): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLcAEIL_yYU    


Methodology in Translation Studies, especially historical studies, was one of my teaching priorities. My other courses included Translation theory, Translation history, Translation ethics, Research into literary translation, Text analysis and various translation and interpreting courses.


I am currently working with archival material from different sources, especially translators' and publishers' correspondence, and the birth of the Finnish translation culture in connection with Swedish-Finnish cultural exchanges in the early 19th century. I have published on translation criticism, translators’ agency, paratexts, retranslations (with Kaisa Koskinen / Tampere University), non-literary translation, the birth of the translating profession in Finland, and on the linguistic profiles and role of translations in the changing cultural scene of Finland during the late 19th century and early 20th century. I was one of the editors of the two-volume history of literary translation into Finnish (Suomennoskirjallisuuden historia I–II), published by the Finnish Literature Society in 2007, and of its companion volume, history of non-fiction translation into Finnish (Suomennetun tietokirjallisuuden historia, 2013).


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Kääntämisen historia (2024)

Ivaska, Laura; Paloposki, Outi
(B2 Vertaisarvioimaton kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa)

Foreword (2022)

Paloposki Outi
(O2 Muu julkaisu )