Petriina Paturi profile picture
Professor, Wihuri Physical Laboratory
Professor, Vice-dean of Faculty of Science


+358 29 450 2396
+358 41 506 0895
Vesilinnantie 5

Areas of expertise

flux pinning
thin films
X-ray diffraction
pulsed laser deposition


I have been a professor of experimental solid state physics in the WIhuri Physical Laboratory, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku since 2012. I got my MSc in 1994 in University of Turku and continued towards PhD as a Academy of Finland research assistant. I defended my thesis on YBCO thin films and nanoparticles in 1998. After that I worked as an Academy post-doc researcher in Risø National Laboratory, Denmark and in University of Turku. In years 2003-2009 I was an Academy research fellow at University of Turku. Since 2009 I have been a professor and the director of Wihuri Physical Laboratory. During years 2012-2017 I was also the head of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Since 2017 I have been the vice-dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering in charge of teaching. Since beginning of 2019 I have been a member of the Research Council in Science and Wngineering in the Academy of Finland.


During the years I have taught many courses in solid state physics, superconductivity and magnetism at BSc and MSc level. Currently I teach BSc course of statistical physics and MSc courses in structural and thermal properties of solids, magnetism and spintronics and x-ray diffraction methods. I have tried to use active teaching methods, such as flipped classroom and pre-lecture questions, in all my courses. I have full teachers qualification in university pedagogics.


My research concentrates on flux pinning in YBCO thin films with artificial pinning sites and the theoretical modeling of these. We have found that the addition of columnar pinning sites into the films decreases the field dependence of the critical current density and changes the angular dependence. These changes depend on the size of the columns.

The other main topic is low bandwidth manganites. Currently we are investigating the structural, magnetic and resistive properties of (Pr,Ca)MnO3 and (Gd,Ca)MnO3 thin films. We have e.g. found that we can induce a metal-insulator-transition to the PCMO films by illumination and that the GCMO films have a charge-ordered state still at room temperaure. We have also recently shown that low bandwidth manganites can be used as resistive switching devices. These are needed in e.g. neuromorphic computers.


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Polycrystalline silicon, a molecular dynamics study: I. Deposition and growth modes (2024)

Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
Santonen, Mikael; Lahti, Antti; Jahanshah Rad, Zahra; Miettinen, Mikko; Ebrahimzadeh, Masoud; Lehtiö, Juha-Pekka; Laukkanen, Pekka; Punkkinen, Marko; Paturi, Petriina; Kokko, Kalevi; Kuronen, Antti; Li, Wei; Vitos, Levente; Parkkinen, Katja; Eklund, Markus
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