Rami Vainio profile picture
Professor, Space Research Laboratory


+358 29 450 4294
+358 50 511 4972
Vesilinnantie 5

Areas of expertise

Space physics
solar physics


I am a professor of space physics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku, Finland, and the head of Space Research Laboratory (SRL), which performs experimental, theoretical and computational research on high-energy phenomena in near-Earth space. SRL continuously collaborates with several research groups in Finland and abroad and most of our research projects are joint efforts with a large number of researchers working on the same topics. SRL develops instrumentation for detecting energetic charged particles and numerical simulation codes to understand the propagation of charged particles through electromagnetic fields in space.


Interest areas: Space Physics, Plasma Physics, Astrophysics

Responsibilities: In charge of the Space Physics curriculum in the University of Turku.
Lecturing courses on Mathematical Methods in Physics II (BSc, 5 cp); Space Physics (BSc, 5 cp); Hydrodynamics and Hydromagnetics (MSc, 8 cp); Plasma Astrophysics (MSc, 8cp).


Solar energetic particles (SEPs). The Sun produces very energetic particles during solar eruptions, i.e., solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). These outburst of energetic particles are called SEP events or solar particle events. Because they can penetrate thick layers of material, SEPs constitute a severe radiation risk to humans and electronics in space. Together with my research group and collaborators, I study the acceleration of SEPs close to the Sun and their transport in the interplanetary medium to near-Earth space and beyond, as well as the near-Earth radiation environment generated by SEPs.

Shock waves are transitions from supersonic to subsonic flow associated with compression (i.e., increase of density) and dissipation (i.e., conversion of ordered kinetic energy of the flow to random thermal energy). In ordinary gases, shocks have thicknesses of the order of the collisional mean free path of the molecular motion. In dilute space plasmas, binary collisions are too infrequent to account for the dissipation and re-distribution of energy. Instead, collective processes involving fluctuating electromagnetic fields take the role of collisions. Such shocks are termed collisionless shocks. In the absence of binary collisions, collisionless shocks generate energetic particle populations (such as SEPs) and together with my research group and collaborators, I focus on understanding this acceleration process in detail.


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The multi-spacecraft high-energy solar particle event of 28 October 2021 (2024)

Astronomy and Astrophysics
Kouloumvakos A, Papaioannou A, Waterfall C, Dalla S, Vainio R, Mason G, Heber B, Kühl P, Allen R, Cohen C, Ho G, Anastasiadis A, Rouillard A, Rodríguez-Pacheco J, Guo J, Li X, Hörlöck M, Wimmer-Schweingruber R
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Observation of a Fully-formed Forward–Reverse Shock Pair due to the Interaction between Two Coronal Mass Ejections at 0.5 au (2024)

Astrophysical Journal
Trotta, Domenico; Dimmock, Andrew P.; Blanco-Cano, Xochitl; Forsyth, Robert J.; Hietala, Heli; Fargette, Naïs; Larosa, Andrea; Lugaz, Noé; Palmerio, Erika; Good, Simon W.; Soljento, Juska E.; Kilpua, Emilia K. J.; Yordanova, Emiliya; Pezzi, Oreste; Nicolaou, Georgios; Horbury, Timothy S.; Vainio, Rami; Dresing, Nina; Owen, Christopher J.; Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert F.
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )

Acceleration of Electrons and Ions by an ``Almost'' Astrophysical Shock in the Heliosphere (2024)

Astrophysical Journal Letters
Jebaraj, Immanuel Christopher; Agapitov, Oleksiy; Krasnoselskikh, Vladimir; Vuorinen, Laura; Gedalin, Michael; Choi, Kyung-Eun; Palmerio, Erika; Wijsen, Nicolas; Dresing, Nina; Cohen, Christina; Kouloumvakos, Athanasios; Balikhin, Michael; Vainio, Rami; Kilpua, Emilia; Afanasiev, Alexandr; Verniero, Jaye; Mitchell, John Grant; Trotta, Domenico; Hill, Matthew; Raouafi, Nour; Bale, Stuart D.
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )

Properties of an Interplanetary Shock Observed at 0.07 and 0.7 au by Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter (2024)

Astrophysical Journal
Trotta Domenico, Larosa Andrea, Nicolaou Georgios, Horbury Timothy S., Matteini Lorenzo, Hietala Heli, Blanco-Cano Xochitl, Franci Luca, Chen C. H. K., Zhao Lingling, Zank Gary P., Cohen Christina M. S., Bale Stuart D., Laker Ronan, Fargette Nais, Valentini Francesco, Khotyaintsev Yuri, Kieokaew Rungployphan, Raouafi Nour, Davies Emma, Vainio Rami, Dresing Nina, Kilpua Emilia, Karlsson Tomas, Owen Christopher J., Wimmer-Schweingruber Robert F.
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Observation of a Fully-formed Forward-Reverse Shock Pair due to the Interaction between Two Coronal Mass Ejections at 0.5 au (2024)

Astrophysical Journal Letters
Trotta, Domenico; Dimmock, Andrew P.; Blanco-Cano, Xochitl; Forsyth, Robert J.; Hietala, Heli; Fargette, Naïs; Larosa, Andrea; Lugaz, Noe; Palmerio, Erika; Good, Simon W.; Soljento, Juska E.; Kilpua, Emilia K. J.; Yordanova, Emiliya; Pezzi, Oreste; Nicolaou, Georgios; Horbury, Timothy S.; Vainio, Rami; Dresing, Nina; Owen, Christopher J.; Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert F.
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )

Properties of Cosmic Deuterons Measured by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (2024)

Physical Review Letters
Aguilar, M.; Alpat, B.; Ambrosi, G.; Anderson, H.; Arruda, L.; Attig, N.; Bagwell, C.; Barao, F.; Barbanera, M.; Barrin, L.; Bartoloni, A.; Battiston, R.; Bayyari, A.; Belyaev, N.; Bertucci, B.; Bindi, V.; Bollweg, K.; Bolster, J.; Borchiellini, M.; Borgia, B.; Boschini, M. J.; Bourquin, M.; Brugnoni, C.; Burger, J.; Burger, W. J.; Cai, X. D.; Capell, M.; Casaus, J.; Castellini, G.; Cervelli, F.; Chang, Y. H.; Chen, G. M.; Chen, G. R.; Chen, H.; Chen, H. S.; Chen, Y.; Cheng, L.; Chou, H. Y.; Chouridou, S.; Choutko, V.; Chung, C. H.; Clark, C.; Coignet, G.; Consolandi, C.; Contin, A.; Corti, C.; Cui, Z.; Dadzie, K.; D’Angelo, F.; Dass, A.; Delgado, C.; Della Torre, S.; Demirköz, M. B.; Derome, L.; Di Falco, S.; Di Felice, V.; Díaz, C.; Dimiccoli, F.; von Doetinchem, P.; Dong, F.; Donnini, F.; Duranti, M.; Egorov, A.; Eline, A.; Faldi, F.; Fehr, D.; Feng, J.; Fiandrini, E.; Fisher, P.; Formato, V.; Gámez, C.; García-López, R. J.; Gargiulo, C.; Gast, H.; Gervasi, M.; Giovacchini, F.; Gómez-Coral, D. M.; Gong, J.; Grandi, D.; Graziani, M.; Guracho, A. N.; Haino, S.; Han, K. C.; Hashmani, R. K.; He, Z. H.; Heber, B.; Hsieh, T. H.; Hu, J. Y.; Huang, B. W.; Ionica, M.; Incagli, M.; Jia, Yi; Jinchi, H.; Karagöz, G.; Khan, S.; Khiali, B.; Kirn, Th.; Klipfel, A. P.; Kounina, O.; Kounine, A.; Koutsenko, V.; Krasnopevtsev, D.; Kuhlman, A.; Kulemzin, A.; La Vacca, G.; Laudi, E.; Laurenti, G.; LaVecchia, G.; Lazzizzera, I.; Lee, H. T.; Lee, S. C.; Li, H. L.; Li, J. Q.; Li, M.; Li, M.; Li, Q.; Li, Q.; Li, Q. Y.; Li, S.; Li, S. L.; Li, J. H.; Li, Z. H.; Liang, M. J.; Liao, P.; Lin, C. H.; Lippert, T.; Liu, J. H.; Liu, P. C.; Lu, S. Q.; Lu, Y. S.; Luebelsmeyer, K.; Luo, J. Z.; Luo, Q.; Luo, S. D.; Luo, Xi; Mañá, C.; Marín, J.; Marquardt, J.; Martínez, G.; Masi, N.; Maurin, D.; Medvedeva, T.; Menchaca-Rocha, A.; Meng, Q.; Mikhailov, V. V.; Molero, M.; Mott, P.; Mussolin, L.; Jozani, Y. Najafi; Nicolaidis, R.; Nikonov, N.; Nozzoli, F.; Ocampo-Peleteiro, J.; Oliva, A.; Orcinha, M.; Palmonari, F.; Paniccia, M.; Pashnin, A.; Pauluzzi, M.; Pensotti, S.; Pietzcker, P.; Plyaskin, V.; Poluianov, S.; Pridöhl, D.; Qu, Z. Y.; Quadrani, L.; Rancoita, P. G.; Rapin, D.; Conde, A. Reina; Robyn, E.; Rodríguez-García, I.; Romaneehsen, L.; Rossi, F.; Rozhkov, A.; Rozza, D.; Sagdeev, R.; Savin, E.; Schael, S.; Schultz von Dratzig, A.; Schwering, G.; Seo, E. S.; Shan, B. S.; Shukla, A.; Siedenburg, T.; Silvestre, G.; Song, J. W.; Song, X. J.; Sonnabend, R.; Strigari, L.; Su, T.; Sun, Q.; Sun, Z. T.; Tabarroni, L.; Tacconi, M.; Tang, Z. C.; Tian, J.; Tian, Y.; Ting, Samuel C. C.; Ting, S. M.; Tomassetti, N.; Torsti, J.; Urban, T.; Usoskin, I.; Vagelli, V.; Vainio, R.; Valencia-Otero, M.; Valente, E.; Valtonen, E.; Vázquez Acosta, M.; Vecchi, M.; Velasco, M.; Wang, C. X.; Wang, L.; Wang, L. Q.; Wang, N. H.; Wang, Q. L.; Wang, S.; Wang, X.; Wang, Z. M.; Wei, J.; Weng, Z. L.; Wu, H.; Wu, Y.; Wu, Z. B.; Xiao, J. N.; Xiong, R. Q.; Xiong, X. Z.; Xu, W.; Yan, Q.; Yang, H. T.; Yang, Y.; Yelland, A.; Yi, H.; You, Y. H.; Yu, Y. M.; Yu, Z. Q.; Zhang, C.; Zhang, F. Z.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, J. H.; Zhang, Z.; Zhao, P. W.; Zheng, C.; Zheng, Z. M.; Zhuang, H. L.; Zhukov, V.; Zichichi, A.; Zuccon, P.; AMS Collaboration
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