Saara Nolvi profile picture
Senior Research Fellow, Psychology
Docent, Faculty of Social Sciences
Ph.D (FT), adjunct professor (dos.)
Centre of Excellence for Learning Dynamics and Intervention (InterLearn); Department of Psychology and Speech-Language Pathology; the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study.


Kiinamyllynkatu 10

Areas of expertise

prenatal stress
early life stress
postnatal stress
fear reactivity
executive functioning
socioemotional development
cognitive development
structural equation modelling
milk cortisol
brain structure


Pronouns: she/hers


Teacher education (60 ects); experience from teaching and lecturing from all age groups and educational levels

Taught courses currently:

PSYK3933 Developmental psychology I

PSYK4323 Master's thesis (Psychology)


I am adjunct professor (developmental psychology) and psychologist by background. I currently work as senior researcher in the Academy-funded Centrel of Excellence for Learning Dynamics and Intervention (InterLearn) in the Department of Psychology and Speech-Languge Pathology. In addition, I work as a senior in the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. 

My research focuses on early life environmental effects on child self-regulation development and the neural and other biological mechanisms underlying these associations. I am also interested in the inter-individual differences in sensitivity to stress and environment, and how these differences in plasticity are shaped by the environment across development. In the InterLearn study, we are specifically interested in the longitudinal development of self-regulation and its relation to child mental health and academic functioning. We also aim to identify environmental factors that may buffer from or exacerbate the risk for academic and emotional difficulties. 


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Association of cumulative prenatal adversity with infant subcortical structure volumes and child problem behavior and its moderation by a coexpression polygenic risk score of the serotonin system (2023)

Development and Psychopathology
Acosta H, Kantojärvi K, Tuulari JJ, Lewis JD, Hashempour N, Scheinin NM, Lehtola SJ, Nolvi S, Fonov VS, Collins DL, Evans AC, Parkkola R, Lähdesmäki T, Saunavaara J, Merisaari H, Karlsson L, Paunio T, Karlsson H
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))